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Adjusting qPCR data according based on amplification efficiency is an important step for estimating pathogen presence accurately and reliably. Amplification efficiency refers to how effectively a PCR reaction duplicates the target nucleic acid in each cycle (see Thermo Fisher’s Efficiency of Real-Time PCR). If efficiency of 100% is reached, then the quantity of the target will double with each cycle. However, variations in the PCR reactions due to reagents or template quality can degrade efficiency (Stolovitzky and Cecchi 1996). It is also likely that when performing environmental sampling, there will be additional inhibitors for the environment in the sample that may cause further inefficiency of the PCR reaction. Therefore, it is important to quantify and account for these inefficiencies because they can lead to significant inaccuracies in the quantification of gene expression levels and subsequent detection of pathogens.

Estimation of amplification efficiency using the standard curve method

We have included two functions (est_amplification_efficiency() and apply_amplification_efficiency()) to assist in efficiency calculations. These functions use the standard curve method to estimate the percentile amplification efficiency for each target in the provided standard curve data (Yuan, Wang, and Stewart 2008; Yuan et al. 2006). Note that data must be in the standardized format described in the template_WES_standard_curve data object. To estimate the percentile amplification efficiency \(\phi\), we fit the following linear model to get the slope \(\beta_{\text{efficiency}}\):

\[\text{Ct}_{ij} = \alpha + \beta_{\text{efficiency}} \text{log}_2\big(S_{ij}\big) + \epsilon.\]

Where \(S_{ij}\) is the serially diluted concentration of the target nucleic acid for observation \(i\) and gene target \(j\), and the percentile amplification efficiency is \(\phi = -\beta_{\text{efficiency}}\). Assuming that the standard curve assay contains greater than 5 observations and target concentrations double with each serial dilution, we expect that \(\phi = 1\) in the case of perfect efficiency and \(\phi < 1\) otherwise.

The following code will estimate \(\phi\) and its 95% confidence intervals for a single target using est_amplification_efficiency():

sel <- template_WES_standard_curve$target_name == 'target_3'
tmp_n_copies <- template_WES_standard_curve$n_copies[sel]
tmp_ct_value <- template_WES_standard_curve$ct_value[sel]

est_amplification_efficiency(n_copies = tmp_n_copies,
                             ct_value = tmp_ct_value)

[1] 0.9718572

[1] 1.221067

[1] 0.7226478

And apply_amplification_efficiency() will apply the same function to all gene targets within a data frame following the format of the template_WES_standard_curve data object:


  target_name      mean    ci_lo     ci_hi
1    target_0 1.0728651 1.376872 0.7688578
2    target_1 1.0604787 1.187228 0.9337295
3    target_2 1.1259549 1.407022 0.8448880
4    target_3 0.9718572 1.221067 0.7226478


Stolovitzky, G., and G. Cecchi. 1996. “Efficiency of DNA replication in the polymerase chain reaction.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (23): 12947–52.
Thermo Fisher Scientific. 2024. “Efficiency of Real-Time PCR.”
Yuan, Joshua S., Ann Reed, Feng Chen, and C Neal Stewart. 2006. “Statistical Analysis of Real-Time PCR Data.” BMC Bioinformatics 7 (1): 85.
Yuan, Joshua S., Donglin Wang, and C. Neal Stewart. 2008. “Statistical Methods for Efficiency Adjusted Real-Time PCR Quantification.” Biotechnology Journal 3 (1): 112–23.