Estimate PCR amplification efficiency
This function takes a set of serial diluted concentrations of target nucleic acid from a standard curve assay and their associated Ct values and estimates the percentile amplification efficiency using a linear model as described in Yuan et al. (2008). Note that the model uses a log base 2 transform which assumes that serial dilutions double with each increase in concentration. The function also requires a minimum of 5 observations.
- n_copies
A numeric vector giving the serial diluted concentration of target nucleic acid
- ct_value
A numeric vector giving the measured Ct value for each serial dilution in the standard curve design
List containing the mean, and low and high of the 95% confidence interval for the percentile amplification efficiency.
sel <- template_WES_standard_curve$target_name == 'target_1'
tmp_n_copies <- template_WES_standard_curve$n_copies[sel]
tmp_ct_value <- template_WES_standard_curve$ct_value[sel]
est_amplification_efficiency(n_copies = tmp_n_copies,
ct_value = tmp_ct_value)
#> $mean
#> [1] 1.097074
#> $ci_lo
#> [1] 1.347295
#> $ci_hi
#> [1] 0.8468532