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This function takes information of where and when a set of environmental samples were collected and retrieves a suite of topographical and hydrological variables for each unique location. The variables include: elevation, slope, aspect, Topographical Wetness Index (TWI), flow accumulation, total flow accumulation within 500m, and distance to the nearest stream. If a DEM is not provided, then a DEM is acquired via elevatr::get_elev_raster and the suite of variables are calculated using functions from the 'WhiteboxTools' R frontend.


get_hydro_data(lon, lat, path_dem_raster = NULL, path_output)



A numeric vector giving the longitude of the sampling sites in Decimal Degrees.


A numeric vector giving the latitude of the sampling sites in Decimal Degrees.


The file path to a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster. See download_elevation_data for methods to download DEM raster data. If NULL, a DEM is downloaded automatically using this function.


The file path of an output directory where spatial data will be saved.




if (FALSE) {

MCO_lon <- c(7.416, 7.434)
MCO_lat <- c(43.734, 43.747)

download_elevation_data(lon = MCO_lon,
                        lat = MCO_lat,
                        path_output = tempdir())

get_hydro_data(lon = MCO_lon,
               lat = MCO_lat,
               path_dem_raster = file.path(tempdir(), 'dem.tif'),
               path_output = tempdir())
